Check out this game called NumTanga™. It's all about learning and mastering numbers through multiple representations.
Kids that play our math games will end up doing thousands of math problems - literally! - in a fun way where they don't even realize they are doing them.
Let’s raise the bar and show our kids that math can be learned, math can be mastered and math can be enjoyed!



"Thank you so much for a fun afternoon!! I brought the Greg Tang kit home to try out with my second grader. We have been playing for the past TWO hours! He said he wants to play until midnight. ;) He has had so much fun learning math and I can’t wait to share with my teachers. He even made up a game of his own that he said was “very mathy”… and it was! He wants to share it with you!"
Thank you so much for this class kit! I used the kit over the summer to play math games with some students and they loved it! Even the reluctant ones were engaged and having fun. Also, it's great that I can differentiate the games because there are multiple levels included. We already play the online Greg Tang math games, so this is a great extension of those activities. I can't wait to introduce this year's class to these games!
"Thanks, Greg Tang for the easiest math night ever! I was able to set up and train my teacher volunteers to play the games in less than a half hour. We literally had to pry the game pieces out of the families' hands at 7pm when the event was over. One parent yelled across the parking lot to me the next morning that her two daughters were still "Greg Tanging" it for another hour after they got home. Thank you for making math practice FUN!"
My students struggled at first with the Tangy Tuesday packet. However, after a month they are screaming for more. I hand the packed out on Tuesday and collect on Friday. We review the packet the following week. Thank you Greg Tang for bringing excitement into my math class!
"That was the best, most motivating, most powerful inservice in my 20 years of teaching. Thank you so much for that opportunity and thanks for re-energizing my math planning and thinking in the middle of the year.
Kudos!!!!! My kids are addicted to the Kakooma puzzles after just one try!"
"This is the best money I've spent on my classroom in a long time!"
"I just wanted to say THANK YOU so much for making math come alive for our students....and teachers. Everyone has a renewed spirit for learning thanks to your energy."